Prosperity Automated System- S.E.C. Orders Cease and Desist...the fall-out Louis Vuitton Canada by Heather Wolf
04-01-2014 12:09Prosperity Automated System: S.E.C. Orders Cease and Desist...the fall-out by Heather Wolf
Since this mighty "millionaire making system" has run into a mighty bit of difficulty with the Securities and Exchange Commission which filed an injunction last month against William M. Osterhout and his Prosperity Network, Inc., d.b post by haiyan902.a. Prosperity Automated System (PAS), the numerous PAS web sites have been scrambling to create new loopholes and get their new-improved versions of PAS on-line. The S.E.C. claims that PAS is a "fraudulent pyramid scheme"... the charges go on and on for twenty pages. They claim there are at least 25,000 PAS web sites owned either by PNI or its PAS investors. No wonder these web sites pop up in profusion when you are searching for ways to make money on the internet. The more internet marketing-savvy PAS "investors" who have spent the most money marketing their sites have earned quite a respectable on-line presence making them hard to avoid.
Take note of that!
PAS claims (claimed) to be a 100% Fully Automated System that simply generates vast amounts of cash while you lay on the beach in the Caribbean or whatever view of the ocean you prefer. The real truth is NO ONE makes money with PAS or systems like them, without spending a lot of extra time and cash on advertising, not only through the infamous Google machine, but I'm talking about USA Today, the business section of your local newspaper, bulk mailing lists who claim NOT to be SPAM (but are definitely not the preferred opt-in emails), and some even purchased radio spots. With a buy in at the $3,895 level (at which 80% buy in), and the $195 per month suggested adpaks, you're up at around $6,400 investment in something that won't fly unless you also creatively market (time and $$$) your web site like you would have to do with any real business.
I researched this system myself several months back. I read and re-read the web sites, observed how others were setting up their PAS pages and I decided to ask lots of questions because I did not want to part with my 4-grand without a really good sense that I could work the system so that the system would work for me. With just a little bit of research, I uncovered all I needed to know. Here are just a few of the questions I was asking
What am I actually promoting? and What are these other products you say I can sell with my PAS system?
The "Team Leader" who is supposed to close the deal for the PAS investor, told me not to mess with the other products because the point is to sell the system. Why would you divert your viewer to side-products that sell for $49 and $199, when you really want them to buy into the system at the $1,895 or $3,895 level? He told me that I should just set up my PAS web site to sell the system and not get off-track with the side products because that is not really what PAS is all about. You will note that one of PNI's key defenses is that their automated system is made to sell other products. However, their own specially trained team leader told me otherwise
So, what am I selling? (translation: Huh???)
"You are selling the automated system - the automated system is the product".
So ultimately, my systems sells you your system, sells him his system and your system sells their system and so on... Talk about a down-line! The S.E.C. charges that, eventually, the down-line dissipates, making this a pyramid scheme, leaving many late-coming investors in the dust.
Any wary person who has done their due diligence in researching knows that with any pyramid-like system, you get in early to reap the cash benefits before it falls. When it falls, it simply means the loopholes have been uncovered by the S.E.C. PAS is an MLM that claims not to be an MLM because they offer a list of products you can sell through your automated system... but we already know what the actual team leaders think of those products... they are simply a diversion to the real purpose of PAS - which is the "system itself".
And I don't have to do any selling to actual customers?
"The team leaders do all the selling and all you have to do is collect your money."
This is after you've researched, developed and paid the bucks for an advertising program that works for you. This takes time and effort. Plus, the person who gave me the most real information was the very persistent gentleman whose web site pulled me in. He was definitely working to close me as well. In fact, he told me that PNI's adpaks were a waste of money. Originally they were required, but when I questioned further he said the adpacks were "suggested". He offered me the inside scoop on all of his marketing efforts once I signed on/wired my $3,895 to him.
This gentleman was definitely working his prospects... not sipping his favorite cocktail while gazing at his favorite ocean-view.
Do your homework!
It is possible to find a viable on-line business that doesn't dupe the uneducated and gives you all you need to know to work a viable business opportunity.
After the dust has settled on this legal action against PNI, beware of the PAS Uber-Promoters, the Mega Wealth Corporation. They are presently "ramping up for the new-improved version" claiming to be creating "massive resources of marketing wisdom". Their new name will be Prosperity International and they will be creating the same type of powerful money making machine that was used to make PAS" This, from a PAS investor's web site that states that "the PAS system is temporarily off-line to allow for some re-structuring" Basically, they'll create more loopholes, offer a "real product" and they'll promise you vast riches if you join them but buy in soon, before the S.E.C. closes them down.
Beware of these pay-line/down-line automated systems. They are popping up everywhere. Another system to exercise caution is being sold under the name of "Predator". Do your research before investing your hard earned cash into these systems. Be willing to see them for what they really are, namely, veiled MLMs which claim not to be
Too many have been burned by the fall of the Prosperity Automated Network and systems like these. Just think of the guy who wired his 4-grand the day before the injunction that froze all activity!
You can find an internet business that really works. Louis Vuitton Canada.. and work it, so that it works for you!
"Be informed Be very informed!!!"< | |
4 Reasons Customer Loyalty Is Vital To Louis Vuitton bags Your Business by Vadim Kirienko
02-01-2014 14:444 Reasons Customer Loyalty Is Vital To Your Business by Vadim Kirienko
Have you ever wondered why some businesses may set up shop in areas that might not be very conducive to business and do quite well, while others are placed at major thoroughfares where walk by and drive by traffic are all but guaranteed, yet within six months they fold and the place goes up for lease or sale? The truth of the matter is that success is not always determined by your location although it does play a vital role but more often than not it is dictated by customer loyalty.
Here are four reasons customer loyalty is vital to your business:
1. First and foremost is the fact that a loyal customer is a repeat customer. This person will know about your business practices, about what to expect from your goods or service, the advantages and the disadvantages, and she or he will do business with you in such a way that it is a mutually satisfying transaction.
2. As you establish a relationship with your customer, you are also establishing a relationship with the customer's family. Thus, it is not uncommon to have the wife bring in the dry cleaning for the family and turns her mother, mother in law, aunt, and best girlfriend on to your business. As the husband is sent one day to pick up the dry cleaning he becomes familiar with the business, and he will tell his brother, business associates, and others who are looking for a dry cleaner. Thus, you are suddenly becoming a commodity which is being shared with others.
3. While family referrals are great, business referrals are even better. If you are a dry cleaner, you will want the dress maker down the street to recommend your services to its customers. Similarly, if there is bridal shop with which you may have some professional ties, then these business referrals are simply priceless! Customer loyalties when you have other business owners or clerks shopping at your store or utilizing your service are quite often the gateway to a great number of new walk in customers.
4 Louis Vuitton bags. Yet the fourth and perhaps most important reasons why customer loyalty is vital to your business rests in the fact that many major purchases are not made during the initial contact. For example, if you are a furniture store, you might have someone come in looking for a computer desk. While these may be expensive depending on the materials by and large these items are small fish post by haiyan902. Yet if the consumer is satisfied with the product, the delivery, the setup and also the price, the odds are good that she or he will be back when it is time to furnish the nursery, buy that new wall unit, or acquire that bedroom set that was saved up for!
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Residual Income Streams-Here Are 3 That Pay Consistently by Suzanne E Louis Vuitton bags Morrison
31-12-2013 14:24Residual Income Streams-Here Are 3 That Pay Consistently by Suzanne E Morrison
Creating residual income streams is a concept that many Internet marketers have latched onto. If getting paid in the future for work you are presently doing appeals to you this article will offer three ways you can do that Louis Vuitton bags.
1. Network marketing is booming all over the internet. This is especially true when the products are Internet-based.
For example selling domains is one of the largest network marketing opportunities in the world. There is no shipping involved so it's very easy to sell this type of product.
Online shopping clubs is another example of a network marketing opportunity that people are making a lot of money with. Selling memberships in the shopping club does not require shipping a product on your part.
Network marketing is a good way to create a stream of residual income because you get paid on the efforts of others several levels deep. Even if you decide to stop working your checks will continue to come in if you build a large enough network of distributors underneath you.
2. Sell memberships to niche affiliate training programs. Today people are willing to pay for training because they know they need to learn how to become successful online.
Affiliate marketing has been one of the most popular business models now for several years. Niche affiliate marketing is big right now because of the competition from affiliates who have been doing it longer.
The advantage to selling memberships to niche affiliate training programs are you never run out of new prospects, and you can build up residual income as people maintain their memberships over a long period of time.
This is true for selling memberships in multiples niches too. Joining an affiliate program that offers membership sales is a very good way to create residual income stream and over time you can create a full-time income from it.
3 post by haiyan902. Build a virtual blog empire and run it on autopilot. This is something you are seeing more people do because blogging is so easy to quickly get started with.
Because you can set it up where you do not have to do much work running a blog on autopilot is smart. You can hire freelancers to create content after your blog is developed.
Monetizing your blog with advertising from Google Adsense as well as other affiliate programs makes it a very hands-off way to sell products. Using social media tools to promote your blog is a very easy way to develop traffic as well.
In summary these are 3 residual income streams that people make money every day with. A good way to develop long term income for the work you are doing today is doing one or more of these online opportunities.
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JavaFit Review -- Is it really As Good As It Looks by Chris Gustafson
30-12-2013 15:30JavaFit Review -- Is it really As Good As It Looks by Chris Gustafson
I appreciate that you are taking time to read this article. I hope you will find it both interesting and informative! However, before we start I want to make two things clear. 1st, I am NOT currently a JavaFit distributor, although I have been in the past post by haiyan902. 2nd, I do not intend to steer you in this article in any particular direction. My only goal is to inform you about JavaFit and let you make the decision on your own. Now that we have that out of the way, let get's on with it!
JavaFit like any other MLM company out there should be evaluated on three things. The company history, the products, and most importantly the compensation plan. Without further ado, here is a unbiased JavaFit review:
JavaFit was founded in 2003 by a couple of friends who were looking for a way to stay fit and lose weight without massive changes to there daily life. They went to work and started developing a "healthy coffee". JavaFit has many different blends of "functional" coffees.
In 2007 is when JavaFit started up the direct sales/mlm distribution channel although they have been around since 2003. So, your main advantage is that you have the stability of a 7 year company with the "ground floor" opportunity of a start-up.
As mentioned in the previous section, JavaFit makes "functional gourmet" coffees. There are 4 main blends of coffee and those are:
* Diet Plus: This coffee will help you lose weight over time when you drink it consistently in the morning.
* Energy Plus: The name says it all. This coffee will give you an EXTREME burst of energy. Take it from me; do NOT drink this coffee in the afternoon.
* Focus Plus: This blend of coffee has multivitamins in it and will help you focus on your daily tasks.
* Immune Plus: This blend of coffee will provide your system with the nutrients it needs to give your immune system a boost. Great for the cold winter months.
There you have it, four entirely functional blends of coffee. The downside to the JavaFit coffees is the cost. The cost is 40$ for a case of any of these types of coffee. A case includes 24 individual packs of coffee that each make one pot. So, like many products in the MLM arena it is over-priced and hard to get people on autoship who are not distributors.
Compensation Plan:
JavaFit has a no-breakaway, unlimited level, binary compensation plan. The end game is that eventually you will have a gigantic residual check. They also incorporate "fast start" and "leadership" bonuses to help you make money right away.
The downside is that the monthly auto-ship for a distributor is 80$ which is two cases of coffee. So, unless the distributor drinks 2 pots of coffee daily they cannot possibly use all of coffee themselves. The end result of this is that distributors end up with a bunch of product at there house that they cannot use. Of course, when that happens it makes it difficult to build a residual income.
There you have it, an unbiased JavaFit review. As you can see with JavaFit there is a LOT of positives but also some negatives Louis Vuitton handbags. However, if you are looking for a MLM company to join, JavaFit is one of the better ones.< | |
Home Business- Direct Sales or Online Businesses by Jeff Schuman_0
27-12-2013 14:52Home Business: Direct Sales or Online Businesses by Jeff Schuman
If you are going to start a home business you will face many choices. A couple that come to mind are direct sales and starting an online business post by haiyan902. Which one is better?
1. Direct sales businesses that immediately come to mind are Avon and Tupperware. With one you were going door to door. With the other you were working what was known as a party plan.
You can still build a direct sales business in person, but you do not have too. Now you can use the Internet and let it help you sell products.
The same thing is true for the MLM business model. Today it's more commonly referred to as a network marketing and many people build worldwide businesses without selling products directly or holding meetings face to face.
In many ways these direct sales business opportunities have become online businesses. However the element of personal contact is still very strong in direct sales businesses.
The big difference is you can use online tools such as Skype to communicate all around the world Louis Vuitton outlet. This includes free telephone service and video telephone.
There certainly is a tremendous amount of opportunities in the direct sales business arena. When considering taking on an opportunity like this you should find something that appeals to you.
You might even consider selling products that you personally purchase. If you are a big believer in the product it will help you build a more successful business.
2. Starting an Internet business can take you in many different directions. As a matter of fact the many ways to make money online today with your own business is only limited by the amount of time you want to put into it.
Many people create multiple streams of income using the Internet. It's not unusual to hear of people having over 100 websites. There are even ambitious Internet marketers who have over 1000 websites and earn seven figure incomes.
Some of the more common business models for Internet businesses include affiliate marketing, email marketing, network marketing, and get paid to programs. Many people build very large Internet businesses and never interact with their customers personally.
This is one of the drawing cards to starting an Internet business. You literally can automate the whole process so it becomes totally hands off if you do it correctly.
Whether you want to make $200 a month on a part-time basis, or enough money every month to quit your job, the opportunities are there. Again it becomes a personal choice.
Ultimately you must decide when you start a home business of your own how you're going to do it. Whether you choose to go the direct sales route, or build a totally automated online business you will need some skills and hard work to get your business off the ground.< | |
Work From Home Business - Could This Be The Solution For You Louis Vuitton outlet To Change Your Life by Jeff Schuman
25-12-2013 12:08Work From Home Business - Could This Be The Solution For You To Change Your Life by Jeff Schuman
Are you looking for a way that you will be able to change your life in a positive way? Then the solution for you could be as simple as a work from home business.
There are thousands of people all over the world that have started their own business and found their lives changed for the better. You can also; if that is what you believe will be the correct solution for you.
Before you can make that kind of decision, you have to be aware of the main things that will be required from you to help you succeed with any business you start. Below are the main things you will need to do.
1. Work hard - This is never something that anyone wants to do or hear, but it is necessary. Building any business is not going to be easy. You will have to do all of the hard work yourself to get things going and as it grows you can hire help.
Just be sure you are willing to work hard to make your business a success so you can start to see a positive change in your life.
2. Become a student of home business - This is vital to working from home because without it, you will never make money Louis Vuitton outlet. There is a lot of imperative information that you will have to learn, so you have to be willing to learn anything that is necessary for success.
Otherwise, a home business is definitely not right for you.
3. Positive mindset - This is imperative, but many people don't believe it post by haiyan902. It is true and you can learn this by asking questions that has achieved the success that you are trying to achieve. The correct mindset can literally make your business succeed or fail.
That is why you have to be sure that you have a positive mindset and not a negative one, no matter what it takes to achieve that.
4. Persistence and patience - You have to be persistent and build your business because it will definitely change your life. It is important you set up a time for you to work on your business every day.
This will be difficult at first, but with time, you will find that it is well worth it since your life will definitely begin to change in a positive way.
If you want a work from home business, these are the main things that will be required from you. You are the only one that can decide if this is right for you. So, take your time and think over your decision carefully, but remember that you are the only one that can change your life for the better.
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Why Most Independent Artist Fail! by Tim Beachum
23-12-2013 11:28Why Most Independent Artist Fail! by Tim Beachum
This is a question that I am most commonly asked. The answer is pretty simple most independent artist do not understand that concept of marketing let alone online marketing.
Obviously I can not cover an entire marketing course in this article but I can however give you a few facts that will put you on the right road.
The first thing that you MUST do is learn to put yourself in the shoes of your target audience or in this case your fans. That is a lot easier said than done. Without a fan base you do not have a music career.
As a independent artist it is crucial that you own your own domain name. If you have MySpace as your primary internet presence you are making a huge mistake. Now before you go on a rant allow me to explain.
If you are using MySpace as your Internet presence you are placing your entire career in the hands of another company. Lets say that you have spent your time and effort in promoting your MySpace page and everyone knows that is where they can find you. You wake up tomorrow to realize that MySpace has decided to shut down while the getting is good. Where does that put you? Ill tell you where back at square one!
No Im not suggesting that you forget about MySpace Im just telling you it is a bad idea to have MySpace as your primary website.
MySpace should be used to drive traffic back to your domain, where you have control over your destiny.
Another common mistake that I see independent artist doing is they fail to invest in the business aspect of their careers. No I am going to guess that when you just read that last sentence you probably said to yourself, I do invest into my career. If you do not have at least one Internet Marketing book or eBook you my friend are on the wrong track.
I can pretty much bet that you have your webpage set up all wrong.
Nine out of ten independent artists websites are what I like to call, look at me websites post by haiyan902. The harsh reality of it all is nobody knows you! When a potential fan comes to your site they have one thing on their mind and one thing only, and that is WIIFM! That stands for Whats In It For Me! They want to know what do you have to offer them why should they come to your website over the million other independent artist? This is were your marketing strategies come into play!
I know this is going to sound a little crazy but lets role play for a few minutes. Lets say that you are a country music fan (the genre doesnt matter) and you go to a website and a video pops with a young lady on it and she says, I just want to thank all of my fans, for showing up at my last concert, and I appreciate your support In fact I have two free tracks that I just posted for you online Let me show you where to go download them now. POW the video ends and you are automatically taken to a special download area exclusively for the fans!
How do you think that would make a fan feel? Do you think that someone would actually go and download the special fan tracks located is an exclusive area Your dog on right they will.
I hope that this article sparked that marketing genius that dwells deep inside of all of us. I wish you the best of luck with your music career and I hope that I have the opportunity to do a personal interview with you real soon.
Tim Beachum Owner of the,, Jackin4Beats Louis Vuitton, and author of the audio CD The Ultimate Guide To Self-Promotion. You can contact Mr. Beachum via email at
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Music A Non-Rational Part Of The Human Spirit
21-12-2013 14:22Music A Non-Rational Part Of The Human Spirit Music reaches a deep, non-rational part of the human spirit, it is ideally suited as an adjunct service that can affect feelings such as grief, fear, anxiety, sadness, and anger that stand in the way of a clear passage. Digital Music can release blocked or painful feelings and can stimulate positive ones such as hope, love, and gratitude. Sharing music together can lead to sharing of the emotions that the music brings up. Acknowledging these emotions together can help bring closure to old issues and enable reflection.People have used music and song to comfort one another since time immemorial. Music helps in the emotional development of the individual. Also it is proved that, digital music works miraculously for the stress management Louis Vuitton bags.Gather more information on digital music, emotional development and stress management, Visit Dr. Julie post by haiyan902.To visit our site:
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Record Your Audio With Digital Recorder by Michael Russell
20-12-2013 11:53Record Your Audio With Digital Recorder by Michael Russell
The stereo digital recorder is the most highly modern personal audio recorder, which one can easily use in host of conditions. Now sports a 4GB card, stereo recorder is perfect for the musicians and artists who would like to experience precise audio reproduction of their rehearsals and live music. For the songwriters, during their moments of inspirations, this personal audio recording equipment ensures that you can instantly record that novel idea. For soundmen, broadcasters, podcastres and journalists the digital recorder allows you to test audio for the world to hear at once, wherever you are, every time.
Digital recorder main features include:
24-bit 96kHz PCM linear high-resolution and low sound recording
Lately developed (IARC) Isolated Adaptive Recording Circuit
High sensitivity, high grade stereo in built condenser microphone
Records to SDHC or SD memory card
Hand held and compact body for simple portable use
Wide viewing ability on big Organic Light-Emitting Diode (OLED) display
Preview in built speaker
Included wireless remote control
Quick and uninterruptible file transfer by USB 2.0 link to PC
Included easy pyro Audio Creator LE wave editing software
Experience clear-cut audio reproduction as well as clearness by a wider vibrant range while using the sample rates and higher bit rates, which digital recorder provides. Digital recorder supports about 24 bit 96 kHz PCM linear recording that has extra audio digital resolution than an ordinary audio CD. IARC is a recently developed and dedicated circuit analog that is optimized to record along the digital onboard recorder A/D converter. The electrolytic capacitors offer reliable, stable power with a self-sufficient power source used for analog circuitry in addition to an added power source used for digital board circuit, thereby eliminating the DC interference among the components in the digital recorder.
The IARC also greatly contributes to low noise high quality MP3 recording by digital recorder post by haiyan902. Little enough to adjust in the shirt pocket, it include a novel tactile feel, which is simple to grip. Plus, it also constitutes a user friendly display of graphic for ultra simple operation. The great 1.5 OLED display gives wide viewing ability, peak indicators, at-a-glance level meters, and additional recording information on the screen.
With the included wireless remote controller, transport functions such as recording start/playback start, fast forward, rewind, volume control, and input level control can be accessed from a distance away. This allows the digital recorder to be placed in exactly the right position for recording, and allows for quick and easy touch-less operation Louis Vuitton.
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Why Your Ad Failed
16-12-2013 14:40Why Your Ad Failed So you spent good money on an ad, put it in a magazine or newspaper, and waited patiently for phone calls that didn't materialize. You're upset: you feel that you've wasted money and time, and now you're convinced that advertising doesn't work.Advertising does work. Every day. So before you kick away advertising (or websites, or brochures, or any other marketing medium), first consider which of these four basic reasons applies to your effort:Your ad wasn't created to appeal sympathetically to the correct customer need.You can't force a sale, as much as you might want to post by haiyan902. Your best, most reliable, most profitable customers come to your business because you meet particular needs that your competitors don't. Simple as that. These needs may be material, psychological or emotional, but when they present themselves, their owners come to you.The goal of advertising is not to pitch a sale, but to establish name and brand recognition for your company by associating your name with your ability to meet special customer needs. This helps promote that "good gut feeling" that your best customers have about you but can't really explain.If your ad isn't built around the right specific customer needs - not wants, not desires, not self-image, but needs - then it's almost doomed to fail.Your ad doesn't establish your own credibility for meeting customer needs.Etch this on your forehead: Credibility begins with evidence of understanding.It's not enough to hit on the right need. You have to demonstrate in some way that you truly understand and can meet it. This step doesn't have to be fancy, and is often very subtle, sometimes involving no more than certain writing, visual design or layout decisions.If your customers need a strong, professional company, your ad should reflect that. If they need to know that you come highly recommended, or that you have a certain degree of experience, or that your services are unique to your area, that should somehow be a part of your advertising.Just don't overdo it, turning your ad into a sales pitch. Provide just enough credibility to satisfy those customers looking for it. Save the rest for your other marketing efforts.Your ad wasn't placed in an appropriate medium that offered regular exposure to the specific customers you serve Louis Vuitton Canada.If your business sells luxury cars, the most carefully designed ad in the world won't accomplish a thing printed in a free newspaper that specializes in thrift classified ads. That's not an appropriate medium for your service, and your best customers aren't looking for you there.If your ad properly recognized and appreciated your customers' needs, consider the possibility that the ad appeared where it wasn't appropriate. Why were your best customers looking for you there? How does your choice of medium speak to your credibility for meeting your customers' needs?Consider time as well as position: a swimwear ad would face an uphill climb if it ran in a Michigan newspaper in December. Remember that customer needs often change as the seasons change.You expected too much from your ad.If the ad is solid, and the medium is appropriate, then the problem is you.Advertising alone doesn't revolutionize profits. Like all marketing tools, advertising is a precision instrument, an individual tool designed to perform a specific task. Relying on only advertising - or only networking, or only cold calling, or only a website - to promote your business makes as much sense as an auto mechanic who uses only a hammer to fix your car.Since human beings are complicated, so are sales problems. Complicated problems require the skilled collaboration of multiple tools, of which traditional print advertising is only one.The role of advertising in a modern marketing campaign is to establish name and brand recognition for your company, not to pitch a sale. The idea is to make sure that your prospect has already heard of your company - and has a favorable "feel" about you - by the time customer need presents itself or your salespeople come calling. Advertising helps pave the road for your other marketing efforts.If you expected sales to double last month because you ran an ad but did little else, you probably expected more than reality could provide. It's in fact possible that your ad did work, but that it provided benefits that your business didn't capitalize on because you expected different results. Next time you run an ad, do it as part of a coordinated marketing effort that includes the ability to follow up with the audience that was exposed to it. Take advantage of the good will that your advertising helps generate.If your ad is written to appeal sympathetically to the correct customer need, establishes your credibility for meeting that need, and is placed in an appropriate medium that offers regular exposure to your most likely customers, your ad will do that job. Every time.
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